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About Us

Les Mathew is the founder of The Extra Mile College Admissions LLC, a company that provides personalized college admissions consulting services to students interested in undergraduate and graduate study in USA.  Les Mathew has a certificate in college counseling from University of California, Los Angeles and graduated from the program with distinction. She is also currently a professional member of Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA).  

My Story

I started out as a parent of a gifted child.  That's when my interest in college counseling was aroused and I did my UCLA certificate in college counseling.  After my graduation, I have been working extensively with students to provide college admissions counseling services and my vision is to help provide affordable honest college admissions counseling to all students.  I have worked with students to provide personality assessments, high school course advising, preparation of college lists, college essay guidance and college application reviews. 

I already have a bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering and a double master's in information systems and Computer Science and over 16 years of experience in the field of Computer Science. I work closely with students interested in STEM and my STEM background helps me provide valuable guidance for students applying to STEM majors.   

For students in freshman and sophomore year, I provide guidance on high school course selection and based on their interests, provide suggestions for special programs to further their interest or enhance their extracurricular activities.  

I work with juniors to identify their interests and prepare a comprehensive list of colleges that match the student's profile and interests.   

 I work with seniors in the fall to provide guidance with both college applications and college essays.  I am also a public speaking champion with multiple winning speeches under my belt for international and humorous speech contests. In the past, I have worked extensively with teenagers interested in public speaking through gavel clubs within the Toastmasters organization and I have mentored many students to write winning speeches.   Now I conduct group essay workshops to guide students on how to select topics for essays and use writing strategies like storytelling and rhetorical devices to enhance their essays.  I also conduct group college application workshops to help students fill out the college application with interesting and relevant details so that their applications are complete and thorough with minimal mistakes. 

If you are looking for a STEM college consultant to guide your child through all aspects of the college admissions, then please contact us at to book a free 15 minute consultation.  



If you're looking for a counselor to guide your child through college admissions, then let's connect.


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