College Essay Bootcamp Schedule:
Bootcamp Schedule:
Bootcamp Session: August 2024
Sat Aug 10, 9 am - 11 am US CST
Sat Aug 17, 9 am - 11 am US CST
Sat Aug 31, 9 am - 11 am US CST
1. Pre-workshop 1 hr with student
2. Three days of group sessions to write college application essays
3. Essays written by the student in GoogleDocs
4. Post workshop 1 hr feedback with student
Extra Mile College Application & Essay Bootcamp
Price: $300 per student
This is a group workshop for seniors to write their college application essays and fill out their college application. This workshop includes filling out important sections of the application including activities, honors, and recommendations within the Common App. A checklist will be provided for students to be aware of all the steps that need to be completed from college application to enrollment. Essay writing covers all the different types of essays that students will need for their college applications. These workshops are conducted once every month from August to year-end. Group essay workshop will be setup as a 3-day virtual workshop totaling 8 hours with simple steps to help the student write 3, 4 or 5 essays.
Essays Covered in Bootcamp:
1. Personal statement
2. Essay on “Why this major”
3. Essay on "Why this college",
4. Service & Leadership Essay and
5. Hobby Essay.
The intent is to help students write essays using the story-telling format to incorporate their personal stories and interesting anecdotes related to the topic. Additional guidance includes organization, usage of rhetorical devices, writing an interesting opening, proper transitions from one point to the next, injecting humor and developing an appropriate conclusion that answers the prompt.
At the end of each day, the student's work is reviewed in Google Docs and feedback is provided.
College Essay Bootcamp Syllabus:
Pre-Workshop Reading & Writing:
Sample essays provided for the student to review
Questionnaire for the student to answer
Pre-Workshop Meeting with Student: 1 hour
Discuss student's written responses from questionnaire
Brainstorm possible topics that student can write about
Day #1: 2 hours
Writing a persuasive personal statement
Learning the art of storytelling
Essay Organization and structure
Completing the first draft
Day #2: 2 hours
Researching Supplementary Questions
Developing the "Why Major" and "Why this college" Essay
Writing the Service & Leadership Essay
Tips to add humor
Developing an interesting opening
Conclusions & Capturing lessons learned/reflections
Day #3: 2 hours
Writing the Diversity Essay
Writing an essay on a hobby
Using Rhetorical Devices
Shortening Essays
Post-Workshop Final Meeting with Student: 1 hr
Review student's essays for feedback